MBA-Plus (Currently Registered) Hagan School of Business, Iona College, NY (AACSB International Accredited) Courses finished: MNG 631 e-Commerce Strategy, FIN 619 e-Financing
Post-Doctoral MBA (1999), School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University , Canada (AACSB International accredited) Specialization: Marketing (24 credit hours in Marketing) and Management (24 credit hours in Management)
Ph. D. (1995), Graduate School, York University, Canada. Specialization: Social/Economical Anthropology (Family Business, Consumer Behavior, Economic Adaptation of New Immigrants in Canada)
MA (1987), Institute of Economics, Central University of Nationalities , Beijing , China . Specialization: Nation/Region Economics
BA (1982), Mass Communication Department, Beijing Broadcasting University , Beijing , China . Specialized Area: Mass Communication (Mass Communication, TV Programming)
Associate Professor of Business Administration (May 2005 to present ), Department of Business Administration, Medaille College, Buffalo, New York, USA
Responsibilities/Duties: Teaching Marketing, Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Business Anthropology, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Business Statistics, coordinated business program curriculum revision in the academic year of 2006-2007, elected and served as a member of Faculty Development Committee (2006-2009), Undergraduate Policy Committee (2006-2008), International Education Committee (2005-2010).
Professor, Chair of the Business Department and the Director of International Education Programs (May 2003 – May 2005, scheduled to be tenured in fall of 2006), Coker College, Hartsville, SC, USA
Responsibilities/Duties: Teaching upper level Management and Marketing courses, established and coordinating an international joint program that extended to Canada and China, overseeing faculty & student recruitment in the overseas campus, managing internal and external relationships, monitoring and maintaining quality instruction, advising students, scheduling course offerings and booking the classrooms, allocating and controlling the budget, functions as a senior administrator, leading the business program processes through the SACS process of re-accreditations, proposed and implemented an online teaching project, elected and served on several faculty committees.
Ph. D. Mentor Professor of Business Administration (Adjunct, Jan. 2001 -2009) College of Business Administration, TUI University, Cypress, CA, USA
Responsibilities/Duties: Working as a dissertation chair and as a mentor professor as recommended by the Coordinator of Ph.D. program and the Dean of Business Administration
Associate Professor of Business Administration (Jan. 2000 - May 2003, recommend by the Department Chair and Committee for tenure in fall of 2003) Department of Business and Economics, Erskine College, Due West, SC, USA
Responsibilities/Duties: Teaching all the management, marketing, and economics courses, such Marketing Management, International Business, Small Business Management, International and Cross-cultural Marketing, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and advising students enrolled in Business Club, helped the Department Chair constructed a BS program curriculum with the concentration on marketing, proposed a marketing project aimed at increasing the enrolment by 5% annually, served as a member of the Faculty Development Committee and a member for Overseas Program Committee, designed and proposed an International Business Program
Academic Dean and Head Instructor (1995-1999) TAIE International Institute, Toronto , Canada
Responsibilities/Duties: Helped the Board of Directors incorporated and registered the Institute, designed programs and developed curriculum for the Institute, recruited instructors, taught Management, Economics Principles, Business Communications, International Business, and Computer Applications in Business
Research/Teaching Assistant (1989-1995) York University , Toronto , Canada
Responsibilities/Duties: collected and analyzed data from Chinese Christian churches in Toronto , studied the differences and similarities of organisational behaviour in Eastern and Western societies, researched literature regarding studies in modern China Marketing, administrated exams and grading
Assistant/Associate Research Fellow and the General Sectary (1987-1989) the Centre for West China Development Studies, China Economic System Reform Institute, Beijing, China
Responsibilities/Duties: Co-ordinated research projects throughout China, prepared research plans and the annual budget for the center, prepared and organized seminars and conferences at the national level, designed and developed a graduate studies program, edited and published the organization’s newsletter, examined and approved research proposals from the local research institutes and individuals, concentrated on the economic policy making for the West China regions at the national level, participated in major research projects organized by various Ministries of the State Council, P. R. China on economic system reform
Instructor (1984-1987) Economics Institute, the Central U. of Nationalities, Beijing, China while an MA student
Responsibilities/Duties: Taught Principles of Economics, National Development, and Policy Economics
Television News Reporter (1982-1984) News Department, Ningxia TV Station
Ph. D. Dissertation Committee Services
Chair, Dissertation Committee for Denise A. Czarnecki, Ph. D. candidate, TUI
Member, Dissertation Committee for Henry Nettles, Ph. D. Candidate, TUI
Senior Editor, International Journal of Business Anthropology, a peer-reviewed referral journal by North American Business Press, USA (2009-
Senior Editor, International Journal of China Marketing, a peer-reviewed referral journal by North American Business Press, USA (2010-
Associate Editor, Applied Anthropologist, a peer-reviewed referral journal by High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology, USA (2001-
Editor Advisor, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, by AABC, USA (2002-
Editorial Counsellor, Central Asia and the Caucasus, by Institute for Central Asia and Caucasian Studies, SE (2009-
Research Grants Received
The Future Environment Issues in Western China Minority Area. 200,000 Y RMB, by the Central U. of Nationalities, China, 2010-2012, with Professor Wang Tianjin
Ethnic Culture and Food Consumption”. $2000 by the Faculty Development Committee, Medaille College, 2005-2006 Academic year.
“Cultural Influence on Consumer Behavior in Food Service Business”. $2,795 by the Faculty Development Committee, Erskine College, 2002-2003 academic year.
“Anthropological approach to understanding consumer behaviors”, $2,760, by the Faculty Development Committee, Erskine College, 2002-2003 academic year.
“Cross-cultural service satisfaction and management” $2,293 by the Faculty Development Committee, Erskine College, 2001-2002 academic year.
“Cultural Impacts on the Effects of Advertising”, $4,100 by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, 2000-2001 academic year.
“Hofstede Cultural Dimension Survey Project”, $4,200 by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, 2000-2001 academic year.
“Consumers’ Cultural Awareness in Ethnic Food Consumption”, $2600 by the Faculty Development Committee, Erskine College, 2000-2001 academic year.
“Chinese Entrepreneurs and Their New Businesses in Canada ” $24,000 by the CERIS, a Canadian Federal Government granted institution, co-worked with Drs. Wang and Lo, 1997.
“Policy Barriers to Immigrants Business Development in Ontario”, $22,000 by the CERIS, a Canadian Federal
Government granted institution, co-worked with Drs. Wang and Lo, 1996.
“Immigrant Entrepreneurs Facing the New Markets: A Case Study in the Toronto Chinese Community”, $18,000 by the Canadian Mainland Chinese Association, 1994.
A, Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“The Unique Contributions and Unique Methodologies: A Concise Overview of the Applications of Business Anthropology” International Journal of Business Anthropology, 2010, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 67-75.
“Cross-Cultural Customer Satisfaction at a Chinese Restaurant: The Implications to China Foodservice Marketing”, International Journal of China Marketing, 2010, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 55-65, co-authored with Camilla Hong Wang, the corresponding author.
“Cultural Issues in Business World: An Anthropological Perspective”, Journal of Social Science. Vol. 6 (1), pp. 99-112, 2010, co-authored with Dr. Michael Lillis, the corresponding author.
“Push Vs. Pull: Factors Influence Student Retention Rate”, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Vol. Summer/Fall, 2009. Co-authored with Matthew Leon, the corresponding author.
“Cross-Cultural Communication and Emotional Intelligence”. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. Vol. 27, No. 3, 2009, pp. 428-438. Co-authored with Dr. Michael Lillis.
“Xinjiang and Greater Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation”, North America Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 9(3), pp 59-72.
“From Internal to External: Challenges against U.S.’s Central Asia Policy”, Central Asia and the Caucasus: A Journal of Social and Political Studies, No. 2 (56), pp. 89-102, 2009.
“From Central Asia to Great Central Asia: The Goals and Adjustments of US Central Asian Strategy”, Central Asia and the Caucasus A Journal of Social and Political Studies, No. 3 (57), pp. 58-71. 2009.
“Anthropology and business education: Practitioner applications for a qualitative method”, International Journal of Management Education, co-authored with Alf Walle, 7(2), pp. 59-67, 2009.
“Xinjiang and Its Role in Greater Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation”, Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 1, 2009
“The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the Economically Disadvantaged”, an article co-authored with Dr. Michael Lillis, the Journal of College Admission, No. 200, Summer 2008, pp 4-14.
“Foodservice and College Operations: A Business Anthropological Case Study”, The Applied Anthropologist, Vol. 28, No. 2, Fall 2008. Co-authored with Lela Gramling et. al., the corresponding author.
“Crafting Self Identity in a Virtual Community: A Case Study of Chinese Internet Users and Their Political Sense Formation”, Multicultural Education and Technology Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 238-258. Co-authored with Dr. Yan Wu, the corresponding author.
“Higher Education Marketing Concerns: Factors Influence Students’ Choice of Colleges”, Business Review, Cambridge, 2006 Vol. (2), co-authored with Stefanie Domino et. al., the corresponding author.
“Foodservice Management and Its Impact on College Operations: A Business Anthropological Case Study”. Foodservice Research International, 16 (2005) pp. 15-43. Co-authored with Lela Gramling et. al., the corresponding author.
“Anthropological Approach to Consumer Behavior: A Marketing Educational Case of Teaching and Learning”. Journal of Advancement of Marketing Education, Vol. 7: 36-46, 2005.
"Anthropology and Business Education: Practitioner Applications for a Qualitative Method", High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 1, Vol. 25, 2005
"Cross Cultural Strategies for International Marketing Competitive Intelligence", Competitive Intelligence, v.7 n.5 September/October, 2004, co-authored with Byron Tobar, the corresponding author.
"Cultural Rights and Uyghur Nationalism Movement". High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 2, Vol. 24. Fall, 2004. pp. 144-157.
"Cultural Awareness and Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of American Perception of Mexican Food". High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 1, Vol. 24. 2004, pp. 27-40. Co-authored with Jennifer DeJesus.
A Cross-cultural Comparison of Leader Ethics. Academy of Organizational Culture: Communications & Conflict. Spring, 2004. Co-authored with Rhodes , D., Emery, C. et. al.
“The Effect of Cultural Differences on the Effectiveness of Advertising Appeals: A Comparison between China and the U.S.” co-authored with Dr. C. Emery, Journal of Transformation in Business and Economics, Vol. 2. No. 1(3), 2003. pp. 48-59.
“Cultural Awareness and Consumer Behavior: A Case Study on Southern American Understanding of the Chinese Food”. Co-authored with Elizabeth Witte, High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 1, Vol. 23. 2003, pp. 67-70.
“Examining Consumer Behavior in Food Industry: An Anthropological Descriptive Follow-Up Case Study”. Co-authored with Julie Seel, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol.3 (1), 2003, pp. 53-68.
“Observing and Understanding Consumer Behavior: A Case Study in the Erskine College Cafeteria.” Co-authored with Heather Deason, High Plains Applied Anthropologist. Vol. 22, No.1. 2003.
“Return to academic standards: a critique of student evaluations of teaching effectiveness”, co-authored with C. Emery and T. Kramer, Journal of Quality Assurance in Education. Volume 11 Issue 1, 2003.
“Schoolwork as Products, Professors as Customers: A Practical Teaching Approach in Business Education”, co-authored with Dr. C. Emery, Journal for Business Education, 2002.
“Marketing in the 21st Century: Cross-cultural Issues”, The Journal of the Association of Marketing Educators, Vol.5, No. 3, 2002.
“Cultural Understanding and Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Southern American Perception of Indian Food”, co-authored with Raymond Bailey, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol.2 (1), September 2002.
“Cross-Cultural Issues in Internet Marketing”, co-authored with Dr. C. Emery, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge , Vol.12 (2), March 2002.
“The Influences of Gender and Reference on Food Consumption: A Case Study in the Erskine College Cafeteria”, co-authored with Tami Boyce et. al., High Plains Applied Anthropologist. Vol. 22, No.2, Fall, 2002.
“Teaching Students to Observe: Towards an Anthropological Approach to Marketing Education”, Marketing Educators, Vol. 20 No. 2 -- Summer, 2001
"Cultural Awareness of the Consumers at a Chinese Restaurant: An Anthropological Descriptive Analysis" in Journal of Food Products Marketing, Vol. 7, 2001
“Anthropological Approach to the Consumer Science: A Practical Course Processes”. High Plains Applied Anthropologist. Vol. 21, No.2, Fall, 2001.
“Course Design: Should We Permit Student Participation?” co-authored with Dr. Charles Emery, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal , Vol. 5, No.1, 2001.
“Customers vs. Products: Adopting an Effective Approach to the Business Students”, co-authored with C. Emery and T. Kramer, Journal of Quality Assurance in Education. Vol. 9, issue 2, 2001.
“Cross-cultural Issues in the 21st Century Marketing”. Journal of Modern Business. June 2000.
“Challenges Vs. Opportunities: Competitive Intelligence and Global Strategies”, Co-authored with Byron Tobar, Journal of Database Marketing, Vol. 8, no. 1, 2000.
“Cultural Awareness and Learning: An Anthropological Study of the Consumers at a Chinese Buffet in North America ”. Journal of Modern Business. June 2000.
“The Implications of Rights to Culture in Trans-national Marketing: An Anthropological Perspective”, in High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 2, Vol. 20, Fall, 2000.
"Understanding Consumer Behavior: Psycho-Anthropological Approach", in North American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2000.
“Anthropological Research among Chinese Refugees in Metro Toronto ”, In Cultural Anthropology Methodology, Vol. 2, 1998.
"From China to Canada : The Immigration Experience of a Mainland Chinese Group in Toronto ", in High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 2, Vol. 17, Spring, 1997.
“Reconstruction of the Self in a New Social Environment: Self-Identification and Presentation among Chinese Immigrants to Canada ”, in High Plains Applied Anthropologist, No. 2, Vol. 16, Fall, 1996.
B, Books, Book Chapters, and Book Reviews
General Business Anthropology, the senior author (contributed more than 80% of the content covered in the book). North American Business Press, 2010.
Critics on Pan-Market, Fellows Press of America, Fort Worth, TX, 2008.
Perspectives in Consumer Behavior: Anthropological Approach, a reading book co-authored with Dr. Z. S. Demirdjian and Dr. Senguder, Fellows Press of America, TX Fort Worth, 2007.
Understanding Consumer Behavior: Anthropological Approach, Ann Arbor, MI: Xanedu Publisher, 2004.
Canadian Chinese, Chinese Canadians: Coping and Adapting in North America, Lewiston, NY, the Edwin Mellen Press 1999.
Ethnographic Films, co-translator, Beijing: the Central University of Nationalities Press, 1989.
Open-door Policy and Development: The Foreign Trade and Investment in China West Areas, Beijing, China Prospective Press, 1988.
Decision Making and Development: On Marketing and Economic Growth in China Underdeveloped Areas (first co-author), Beijing, the Current Affairs Press, 1987.
“China National Economies”, in Pendergast, Sara, and Tom Pendergast (Eds.) Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies. 4 vols. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2002.
“Applying 4 Ps to Students’ Schoolwork”, in Lamb, Hair & McDaniel (Eds.) Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing 6th Edition. New York: South-Western College Publishing, 2001.
“Chinese Refugees Coping with Stress in Toronto”, in Leo Driedger and Shiva Halli (Eds.) Visible Minorities: Race and Racism in Canada, Carleton University Press, 2000.
“China Minority Areas Economic Development and Marketing Strategies in the 1990s”, in Zhao Yannian (ed.) Minority Problems in the 1990s, Beijing, Minzu Press, 1990.
“The Achievements and the Development of Commerce and Trading in West China Regions”, in Shi Zhenyi (ed.) The West China Minority Areas Economy Development Studies, Beijing, Minzu Press, 1987.
“The World Economic Development Trend and the West China Open-to-the-World Marketing Strategy”, in Shi Zhenyi (ed.) The West China Minority Areas Economy Development Studies, Beijing, Minzu Press, 1987.
Book Review: Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research (a book authored by Patricia L. Sunderland and Rita M. Denny), the Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 26, Issue 7. 2009
Book Review: Truth: The New Rules for Marketing in a Skeptical World (a book authored by Lynn Upshaw), Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2008.
Book Review: The Psychology behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008.
Book Review: Point of Purchase: How Shopping Changed American Culture”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2008.
Book Review: Nation of Rebels: Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture (a book authored by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 24, No. 2 & 3, 2007.
Book Review: After Fifty: How the Baby Boom Will Redefine the Mature Market (a book Edited by Leslie M Harris), Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2004 forthcoming.
Book Review: Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know (a book authored by Philip Kotler), Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 21, Number 4. 2004.
Book Review: Consumer Behavior and Culture (a book authored by Marieke de Mooij), Journal of Consumer Marketing, forthcoming.
“Book Review: Qualitative Research in Intelligence and Marketing”. Global Ethnographic,2003,
C, Peer-Reviewed Papers Included in Conference Proceedings
“The Strategic Thinking on China National Marketing”, a paper presented at China Civil Society and National Development Conference”, Fudan University, Shanghai, June 21-22, 2010.
“Cultural Issues in International Business World: An Anthropological Approach”, a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, State University of New York, College at Geneseo, April 17, 2010.
“The Strategic Economic Interest of the US in Central Asian Region: A Historic Review and Expectations of the Future”, a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, State University of New York, College at Geneseo, April 17, 2010.
“Competitive Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and Anthropology”, a paper presented at 2009 International Conference on Human Resource, Organizational Behavior and Leadership Science, Dec. 2009, Beijing, China
“Ecommerce Concerns: Cross-cultural Issues in Internet Marketing”, a paper presented at ECBI2009, June, 2009, Beijing, China.
“Higher Education Administration Concerns: Factors Influence Student Retention”, a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, John Fisher University, Rochester, NY, April 25, 2009.
"Foodservice and College Operations: A Business Anthropological Case Study," a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Niagara University, Niagara, NY, April 4-5, 2008.
“Xinjiang and Its Role in the Economic Corporation of Greater Central Asian Area”, a paper presented at All China International Economics Conference, City University, Hong Kong, December 12-15, 2007.
“In-Service Mentoring in Education”, A presentation at Rally in Rochester: 41st NYCA State Convention, Rochester, NY, Oct. 25-27, 2007. Jointly presented with Marcia Swiatek, Hettie Domino, and Sam D’Amato.
“The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the Economically Disadvantaged”, a paper presented at the Oxford Round Table at Harris Manchester College. Oxford, England, July, 2007, co-authored with Dr. Michael Lillis;
“Crafting Self Identity in a Virtual Community: A Case Study of Chinese Internet Users and Their Political Sense Formation”, a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Second Annual Conference, St. Bonaventure University, April 28, 2007
“Admission Concerns: Factors Influence Students’ Choice of Colleges”, a paper presented Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Second Annual Conference, St. Bonaventure University, April 28, 2007, Co-authored with Kimberly Bergeron, et. al
“Cross-cultural Factors and International Business: A Anthropological Approach toward Competitive Intelligence”, a paper presented at All China International Economics Conference, The City University, Hong Kong, Dec. 18-20, 2006.
“Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Its Role in Economic Cooperation in Greater Central Asia”, a paper presented at MEAC International Conference, University of Utah , Lake City , Sep. 7-9, 2006.
“Searching Cultural Meanings of Food Consumption: An Interpretive Study of Consumer Behavior at Ethnic Restaurants”, a paper presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, First Annual Conference, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, April 29, 2006
“The Cross Cultural Strategies of Marketing Competitive Intelligence”, a paper presented at the COE/JEPA Joint International Conference, Dec. 18, 2005. Kobe University , Kobe , Japan . Co-authored with Byron G. Tobar.
“Leader Ethic: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Covey’s Effective Habits”, a peer reviewed paper included in the Proceedings of the Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 8(1) pp. 65-70. 2004. Co-Authored with Danny Rhodes et. al.
"From Theory to Practice: Anthropology in Business Education", a refereed paper presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Dec. 17-20, 2003, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
"Breakthrough the Invisible Barriers: Understanding Cross-Cultural Issues in International Business Communications", a refereed paper presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Dec. 17-20, 2003, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
"Getting Better Grades: Applying Marketing Principles to Schoolwork". In S. Lodha and He X. (Eds.) Responsible Business in a Global Economy: 2003 NEBB International Conference Volume, pp 162-164, the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Co-authored with Andrea Kenzig, Derek Wilson.
"Cultural Awareness and Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of American Perception of Mexican Food". In S. Lodha and He X. (Eds.) Responsible Business in a Global Economy: 2003 NEBB International Conference Volume, the University of Connecticut , Storrs , CT. Co-authored with Jennifer DeJesus.
“Cross-Cultural Issues for Internet Marketing”, a paper to be jointly presented with Dr. Charlie Emery at the Society for Applied Anthropology 2001 Annual Meeting, Merida , Mexico , March 28-April 1, 2001 .
“Gender Roles in Consumers Reference Group Format: A Case Study in the Erskine College Cafeteria”, a paper to be jointly presented with Tami Boyce, Pamela Henry and Pratic Shrivastava at the 2001 International Applied Business Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico from March 14-21, 2001.
“Teaching Consumer Behaviour: An Anthropological Perspective in Business Education”, in
Lodha, S. et al. (eds.) Business in the 21st Century: 2000 NEBAA International Conference Volume. New Haven , Connecticut : SCSU, 2000.
“Cultural Rights in Trans-national Marketing: An Anthropological Perspective”, Paper presented to the Society for Applied Anthropology 2000 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 21-26, 2000.
“Teaching Consumer Behaviour: Psychological Approach Vs. Anthropological Approach”, Paper presented to the Twelfth Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, February 18-19, 2000.
“Canada: We are Here to Stay - The Mainland Chinese Refugees in Toronto” Paper jointly presented with Dr. Larry Lam at the International Conference on Chinese Overseas and Asia Pacific Rim Countries: Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium, at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, June 12-14, 2000
From Curiosity to fieldwork: Doing Anthropology among Mainland Chinese Refugees in Metro Toronto. Paper presented in the Society for Applied anthropology 1997 Annual Meeting, Seattle , March 4-9, 1997 .
Coping with Stress and the Desire to Adapt: The Mainland Chinese Immigrants in Western Market-driven Environment, Paper presented in the National Symposium on Immigration and Integration, Winnipeg , October 25-27, 1996 , University of Manitoba .
Overseas Chinese Business and Marketing: A Transnational Perspective, Special Presentations to Ningxia University Business Faculty Forum, Yingchuan, May 5-8, 1996 , China .
Multiculturalism Under Challenge: A Case Study of Child-Rearing in Canadian Context (co-authored), Paper presented in the Fourth Canadian Symposium on China , Toronto , September 7-9, 1995 , the University of Toronto .
The Co-constitution of System Reform: Development of School Enterprises and the Markets in China (co-authored), Paper presented in the Fourth Canadian Symposium on China , Toronto , September 7-9, 1995 , the University of Toronto .
D, Other Publications
Anthropology, CI, and Market Research., Issue 52, April 12, 2004 .
“The Global Strategies of Competitive Intelligence”, Co-authored with Byron Tobar, Journal of Executive Competitive Intelligence, May 2002.
“Anthropological Approaches to Marketing: The New Practices in the 21st Century”, Practicing Anthropology, Vol. 24(1), Spring 2002.
"From China to Canada : The Immigration Experience of a Chinese Refugee Group in Toronto ", in AnthroGlobe Journal, 1999
“Struggling for legal status: Mainland Chinese Refugees ethnic mobilization in Canada”, in Canada’s Periodical on Refugees (co-authored), Vol. 15, No. 1, 1996.
The Mainland Chinese Refugees in Canada : A Research Report Submitted to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (co-authored), Toronto , Canada mainland Chinese Affairs Committee, 1993.
“On West China Regional Marketing: Towards a New Reform and Open Door Strategy”, in Economic System Reform Studies, Vol. 3, 1989.
“On Decentralisation of State Owned Enterprises and Division of Enterprises’ Property: A New Thinking about the System Reform” (first co-author), in Investment Studies, Vol. 1, 1989.
Dual Socio-Economic Structures: The Mechanism and Development (co-authored), Kunming , Yunan People’s Press, 1989.
The Rural Industrials Development and Marketing in China West Areas (co-authored), Chengdu , Sichuan People’s Press, 1989.
“Contemporary Social, Economical and Marketing Strategies for Anning”, in Thinking Front, Yunnan University , Vol. 4, 1988.
“Wenzhou Marketing Model and West China Minority Areas Economic Development: A Research Report”, in Ethnic Economics, Vol. 1, 1987.
“The Achievements and the Future of China West Area in International Trade and Investment”, in Gansu Ethnic Studies, Vol. 1-2, 1987.
“On the Strategic Marketing and Goals: The Open-to-the-World Policy and Practice in West China Region”, in Nationality Studies, Vol. 1, 1987.
The Strategy of West China Minority Areas Market Economy Development (co-authored), Beijing , the Central University of Nationalities Press, 1985.
“The Economic Advantage and Developing Policies in the West Minority Area” (first co-author), in Guangxi Ethnic Studies, Vol. 3, 1986.
“Economic Anthropology”, in The World Ethnic Groups, China Social Academy , 1985.
“Ethnological Studies Using Electronic Data”, in Ethnology, Vol. 4, 1985.
“Video-recording and Ethnology”, in Journal of the Central Institute for Nationalities, No. 2, 1984.
“The Population and Prospecting of Nationality: Starting the Analysis from the Fieldwork in Jingyuan County ”, in Journal of Ningxia University , No. 3, 1983.
Course Packet: BA 360 International and Cross-cultural Marketing, Erskine College , 2001
Course Packet: BA 391 Business Anthropology, Coker College , 2004
Industrial Experience and Research Projects Conducted
· Consulting, CMC Capital Group Inc., a Canadian international financial service company
· The Competitive Intelligence Project for Nellie Mae Inc. Braintree , MA , USA
· Canadian Retail Business Marketing Research
· International Marketing Strategy for Electrohome Ltd. Canada
· Regional and National Marketing Plan for Rockwell Ltd. Canada
· Marketing Strategy for Web4rent Inc., Canada
· Stress and coping: The Newcomers Behavior and Resettlement in Metro Toronto
· The Adaptation and Resettlement of Chinese Immigrants in Canada
· The Informal Sector in Toronto Chinatown’s Development
· Chinese Grocery Stories in Metro Toronto
· Foreign Trade and Open Marketing Policy in China Minority Areas
· Regional co-operation and development within West Asia countries
· China Minority Education Policies and Social Development
· China Marketing Information System Research
· Northwest China Economic Development Studies
· The Social Economic Development and Education in Ning Xia
· Yunnan Anning County Social and Economic Development Plan
· Xingjiang Open-to-the-World Strategies and Policies
Distinguished Research Award, 2004 by the Allied Academies, New Orleans , Louisiana , USA
Best Academic Paper Author Award, 2003, by the Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge . FL, USA .
Best Paper Award, by Eighth International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, London , UK , 2003
Best Academic Paper Author Award, by the Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge . FL, USA . 2001
Volunteer Social Worker Achievement Award, by the Ontario Provincial Government, 1996
Volunteer Award, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, and 1991 by the Eastview Community Centre, Canada
Community Hero Award, 1994 by the South Riverdale Community Health Centre , Canada
Outstanding Research Project Award, 1995 by the Chinese Study Society , Canada
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, 1994 by the Federation of Mainland Chinese Organisations (Ontario), Canada
Outstanding Publication Award, 1990 by the Chinese Minority Economic Association, Beijing , China
Outstanding Paper Award, 1987 by the Economics Institute, Central University of Nationalities, Beijing, China
Outstanding Research Paper Award, 1985 by the State Economy Planning Committee, the Conference on West China Economic Development Studies, Lanzhou, China

Click to join businessanthropologist
MGT 306 Business Anthropology Course Syllabus, by Robert Guang Tian
COURSE TITLE: Business Anthropology
INSTRCUTOR: Robert Guang Tian
OFFICE: 85 Humboldt
OFFICE HOURS: MWF: 8:00-10:00 a.m.
TELEPHONE (716)880-2104
Please note: Grading of student papers will reflect standard English usage. The MLA bibliographic style is generally used at Medaille.
A. Catalog Description of Course
This course is designed to examine the application of anthropological theories, methods, and knowledge to solve practical problems in today’s highly competitive business environment. Students will learn how anthropological concepts, methods, and insights can be applied to identify and solve important business problems by reviewing the major areas of business anthropology combining theoretical issues with concrete ethnographic examples. The course is an exploration of the uses of anthropology to reform culturally insensitive organizational practices in the contemporary workplace and to identify culturally appropriate preferences to guide the innovation of new goods and services in businesses.
B. Goals
The goals of this course are: 1) To help students have a larger and broader view about anthropology and contemporary business; 2) To facilitate students gain the updated theories and methods in business anthropology, and 3) To train students to solve real business problems through an anthropological approach.
C. Objectives
The student will:
1. Identify and conceptualize the updated business anthropology theories, methods, and their implementations in business practice.
2. Identify real business problems that can be solved through anthropological approach and make implementable managerial suggestions.
3. Demonstrate the ability to address the strategic needs of various business functional areas for a specific organization in one coherent strategic business initiative.
4. Conduct business ethnographic studies to identify and apply anthropological skills to solve business problems.
5. Explain the role of business anthropologists in organizational business plan and implementation.
6. Define and analyze cultural factors that influence organization structure and business operations.
7. Indentify and manage the cultural differences for international business.
D. Outline of Course Content
I. Introduction to Business Anthropology
- Fundamental knowledge of modern business
- Elements of anthropology
- Development of business anthropology: A historical review
- Contemporary business anthropological practice
II. Business Anthropology Principles
- Methodologies
- Cultural values and implementation
- Ethnographic studies of business
- Corporate cultures and organization behavior
- Special business issues and business anthropology
III. Applications of Business Anthropology
- Business management and business anthropology
- Marketing and business anthropology
- Anthropological approach to consumer behavior
- Product design and business anthropology
- Competitive intelligence and business anthropology
- Business operations and anthropology
IV. Anthropological Approach to Global Business Issues
- Cross-cultural communications
- International business and anthropology
- Tourism and business anthropology
- Ethic Issues and Social Responsibilities
- Anthropological approach to entrepreneurship study
V. Business Anthropology Case Studies
E. Suggested Texts
Jiminez, Alberto Corsin (2007) The Anthropology of Organizations, Famham, UK: Ashgate Publishing, Co.
Jordan, Ann T. (2003) Business Anthropology. Prospect Heights: IL, Waveland Press.
Moeran, Brian (2007) Ethnography at Work, Oxford, UK: Berg Publishing, Ltd.
Robert Tian, Michael Lillis, and Alfons van Marrewijk (2010). General Business Anthropology. Miami, FL: North American Business Press.
F. Suggested Modes, Media, and Techniques of Instruction
Mode: Lecture, demonstration, oral presentation, and practice cases
Media: PowerPoint slides, video, Internet
G. Instructor References
Adams, William Y. (1997) The Philosophical Roots of Anthropology. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information.
Bernard, H. Russell (Ed.) (2000) Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press
Binghay, Virgel (2005) Organizational Ethnography: Socialization in Organizations, Quezon, Philippine: VCB Research and Publications.
Demirdjian, Z., Turan Senguder, and Robert Tian (2007). Perspectives in consumer behavior: An anthropological approach. Fort Worth, TX: Fellows Press of America.
Ferraro, Gary P. (2006). The Cultural Dimension of International Business. 5th Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Grills, Scott (Ed.) (1997) Doing Ethnographic Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Gudeman, Stephen (2001). The Anthropology of Economy. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.
Jordan, Ann (2009) Practicing Anthropology in Corporate America: Consulting on Organizational Culture, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Moeran, Brian (2005) The Business Of Ethnography: Strategic Exchanges, People, And Organizations, Oxford, UK Berg Pub Ltd.
Moore, Fiona (2005) Life And Work In A Multinational Corporation, Famham, UK: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Morris, Barry, Rohan Bastin, Morris Bastin (2004) Expert Knowledge first World Peoples, Consultancy, And Anthropology Of Ci: First World Peoples, Consultancy and Anthropology, Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books.
Sabloff, Paula L. W. (Ed.) (1994) Careers in Anthropology, (NAPA Bulletin No. 20). Washington, D C: American Anthropological Association.
Sunderland, Patricia & Rita Denny (2007). Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
H. Method of Evaluating Students:
A student's final grade for the course will be determined by scores on: 1) in class participation (10%), 2), chapter presentation (20%), 3) term project (40%), 4) case study (30%).
Letter grades are assigned based on your numerical percentage score (see below) as follows:
A = 95 – 100
A- = 90 – 94
B+ = 87 – 89
B = 84 – 86
B- = 80 – 83
C+ = 77 – 79
C = 74 – 76
C- = 70 – 73
D+ = 67 – 69
D = 64 – 66
D- = 60 – 63
F = 59 and below
Term Project:
Term Project is to be done by groups and each group should be consisted of 3-4 students. The project is to let students write an ethnographic research report about a business (mostly the college cafeteria), by 1) conducting a literature review about the similar research topic, 2) making a participant observation for about 10 weeks, 3) conducting in-depth interviews with informants, 4) conducting a cultural audit, 5) make a implementable managerial suggestion to improve the business profitability and employees’ productivity.
The instructor will discuss each of the five parts of the term project in the class according to the class progress and student needs. The following academic/professional journals/magazines can be used as resources for the students to do the literature review:
Applied Anthropologist
College and University
College Quarterly
College Student
International Journal of Business Anthropology
Journal of College & University Foodservice
Journal of College Student Development
Journal of College Student Personnel
Journal of Food Science
Journal of Foodservice Business Research
Journal of Foodservice Management and Education
Journal of Higher Education
Journal of Restaurant & Foodservice Marketing
Research and Markets: Food Industry Journal
Research in Higher Education
Review of Educational Research
The Foodservice Management and Education Council Journal
The Journal of College Admission
The Journal of National Academic Advising Association
Students are expected to attend all classes and participate in discussing the text material and current events related with marketing management.
Statement on Disabilities
Any student with a disability who believes he/she needs accommodation(s) in order to complete this course should contact the Academic Support Center as soon as possible. The staff in the Academic Support Center will determine what accommodations are appropriate and reasonable under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Academic Support Center is located in the Main Building, Room M321, and can be reached by phone at (716) 880-2338.
Academic Integrity
Medaille’s faculty and administration expect all students to complete their academic assignments with honesty and integrity. Students who engage in any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on a test, forging a signature or an entire college document) will be dealt with severely, with penalties ranging from an F on a given assignment to failing a course or even academic suspension. Students should consult the Medaille College Policy Manual, Volume VI, (available online at, Paragraph, for full details on the college’s policy and procedures for handling formal charges of academic dishonesty.
Campus Emergency Closure
In the event of a campus emergency closure, please log on to your Bb Vista course link at to continue with your course requirements and to communicate with your instructor. You should access this course link early in the semester to familiarize yourself with it. Report any access or usage problems to the course instructor.